samedi 25 avril 2015

Carly Ashdown
Carly Ashdown et le corps en mouvement. Peinture et divers médias:

2 commentaires:

  1. H there Martine Roux thank you for sharing my work. I wondered if you would mind changing them for some newer pieces, I am happy to send you some photos, these works are really old. ind regards


  2. Hi there Martine Roux thank you so much for sharing my work. As these images are now really old i wondered if you would mind replacing them with recent work and taking the old post down? As I want to keep my image search current on google. I'd be happy to send some recent work to you. And sorry to be a pain. Kind regards Carly


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Voilà : c'est fait.
Et un gros MERCI !!!!

Humeur du jour

 Un si long silence! Au début, j'étais préoccupée par de nombreux rendez-vous médicaux puis le non désir pointa son nez et je m'éloi...